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 God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pomeranian Colors - Everything You Need to Know!

Pomeranian Colors - Everything You Need to Know!

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Pomeranian dogs come in many different colors. You probably already know some of the basic Pomeranian colors, such as black, white, and cream. However, I bet you know about the exotic violet Pomeranian or Pom with a coat that resembles a wolf!

These wonderful little dogs are all created equal, no matter what your personal preference is. No marking is superior to another; it's all merely up to what you like the most. Even the AKC does not recognize any color as not being show-worthy, or any one color as being "better" than another in any way.

The most popular Pomeranian colors are black, white or cream. The majority of Poms you see will be one of these solid-colors. Show-Pomeranians are often a lighter color, such as cream, but as was said before - all coats are created equal!

In addition to those colors, any Pom can be "sable" in addition to their primary color. For example, a cream-sable would be a cream coat with black accents (usually around the face and paws).

One popular sable combination is the orange-sable Pomeranian. While the fur is in no way a traditional "orange" (like the fruit), it has more of a burnt-orange accent to the hair. The undercoat may be an entirely different color, leaving the dog with a heavily multi-colored makeup.

Mentioned before is the wolf-sable. This is one of the most exciting Pomeranian colors. Considering the dog's size, it still won't exactly be very wolf-like - but this is the closest a Pom will ever get to looking like his ancestors. Expect a light gray undercoat with a layer of darker fur showing over that. The sable can be seen as black areas around the mouth, face, paw pads, and sometimes tail.

Another interesting coat is the black and white. This is technically a "Parti color" (partial-color combination) of black and white. The dog may be predominantly one color with splotches of the other, or it may be an equal half-black-and-half-white. Either way, this makes for an adorable combination that's sure to start up conversations wherever you go.

Any color can have a series of black "stripes" running through it. This isn't very common, but when it is seen, it's called "brindle". This makes for a very interesting look.

If you're a fan of the teddy-bear look, consider the chocolate coat. This is a dark-chocolate color that looks much like the shade of a candy bar or chocolate syrup. When properly groomed, your Pom may look more like a bear cub running around than a dog!

With that information, you're sure to be armed with the right knowledge when the time comes to adopt your own special puppy. You now know a little about some of the many Pomeranian colors - but don't stop there! Keep doing research, because there's a lot to know about these fantastic creatures (and there's still a lot of colors that weren't discussed).

Just remember that no matter what color your dog is, he is just as special as any other!

Pomeranian Colors - Everything You Need to Know!



Pomeranian Colors - Everything You Need to Know!

Pomeranian Colors - Everything You Need to Know!
Pomeranian Colors - Everything You Need to Know!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Husband Blames Me For Everything - What Should I Do? Does My Husband Still Love Me?

My Husband Blames Me For Everything - What Should I Do? Does My Husband Still Love Me?

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It is easy to feel that your husband doesn't love you anymore when you have that "my husband blames me for everything" feeling. And in some cases, you might be true - if your husband started using everything as an excuse to start a fight, it might be that he is trying to find an easy way out of the marriage without looking guilty himself. What to do when this happens is a very delicate subject, and you must act rationally if you want to repair and save your marriage.

Why Does My Husband Blame Me For Everything?

If your husband is doing those because he wants to divorce you; the number one thing he is expecting when he is criticizing you for everything is that you "shoot back" and escalate the fight. If you do, it will also give him a chance to escalate, and with each turn the fight would become worse and more damaging for your marriage - a few very heated fights and he can no longer be blamed for talking about divorce.

It appears, then, shooting back is not an appropriate answer for the question "What should I do when my husband blames me for everything?". The immediate answer is to stay calm and play it cool, and not give him the chance he seeks. But one thing you have to keep in mind - if your husband wants a divorce, denying him those chances actually means nothing in the long run - you have to make your husband love you again so he won't want to divorce you.

So the longer term answer to the above question (what to do when my husband blames me for everything) is to focus on yourself and make the necessary changes to make your husband love you again. Right now this might look impossible to you - but it's very far from that! Your husband married you for a reason and it's not impossible to recreate those conditions again, and he'll fall for you a second time.

How to Make Your Husband Love You Again

This question usually has its answers in becoming an independent, free woman again. As women, when we get married and become wives, we might focus too much on the family and forget our primary roles (that made the marriage happen in the first place) as romantic partners for our husbands. If you focus too much on children and housework, this might kill the romantic love your husband feels for you and make him feel like you're like a roommate to him rather than a soul mate. You have to become the independent, lively woman your husband first married.

My Husband Blames Me For Everything - What Should I Do? Does My Husband Still Love Me?



My Husband Blames Me For Everything - What Should I Do? Does My Husband Still Love Me?

My Husband Blames Me For Everything - What Should I Do? Does My Husband Still Love Me?
My Husband Blames Me For Everything - What Should I Do? Does My Husband Still Love Me?
