God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

 God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

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Friday, July 27, 2012

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

Bible Verse: Everything in heaven and earth is Yours God and this is Your kingdom. I adore that You are in control of everything. Riches and honor come from You alone You are the ruler of all mankind, Your hand controls power and might and it is at Your discretion that Men are made great and given strength. 1 Chronicles 29: 11-12

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

I first ran across this verse when my wife, Kris and I were doing the "Crown Ministries" bible study. This study, which I will talk about more later is a study of the biblical principles given in the bible around our finances. The whole idea of this passage was a huge "A-HA" for me and how releasing this was also. To finally understand (that doesn't mean that I will live by it all of the time but I'm working on that aspect)that I am not in control, nor and the responsible for whether or not I am successful. whether or not I am powerful or for that matter, whether or not I am blessed. It is ALL up to God. Look at the words I underlined in the verse ... none of them are I, my, me or my. God decides who is going to be blessed or successful or powerful. The fact that "everything" in the heavens and earth is His means that EVERYTHING is his and in His control!

This brings a lot of issues to the forefront. First; if god is in control of everything, why don't I just hang out at the beach or in front the TV and wait for him to exercise His control and bless me or not bless me as He sees fit? Should I be trying to exert any control or do anything about my circumstances? One thingthat this passage does not Mention that is in the bible in a lot of other places is that God want us to be in relationship with Him and that means to be serving Him. God created us to love Him and to Love others as ourselves. Those are the two greatest commandMents of God. So if we are doing that .... even in the smallest way, then I believe that God reveals to us what the next steps are that He has for us. And the more that we are connected to Him and listening to his "still small voice" the more direction we will hear. My experience has been that when I am hearing Him and being obedient to Him, then my life seems to go much smoother. I think it is that only God knows the right path for us to follow and when we decide that we are in control, then it is easy for us to get off of those pathsand get into the briars where I don't believe He intended for us to go in the first place.

The other thing is our definition of success and worldly power versus God's definition of those things. Is success just going after a nice bank account, more stuff and prestige? If so, then this pursuit will take us off into the briars again and we may achieve them, but we will not have a fulfilled life; a life of significance and meaning.

God Is Everything: On Marriage, In Business, In Everything!

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