God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

 God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything [Paperback]

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

A medical condition, Hyperthyroidism is caused by the over secretion of thyroid hormones-, T3 and T4, which come from the thyroidal glands. These play an important role in the normal functioning of various parts of the body. Thyroid hormones are also responsible for the overall metabolism of our body-from how much calories we burn to how much we weigh. Hyperthyroidism can cause weight loss, a Fast heart beat and increased levels of anxiety and excessive sweating.

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Causes of Hyperthyroidism

The major cause for hyperthyroidism is Grave's Disease, an auto-immune disease caused by the enlargeMent of the thyroidal gland and thus causing over secretion of the thyroid hormone. The inflammation of the thyroid glands due to viruses or bacteria can also cause ofhyperthyroidism. Postpartum Thyroiditis and the anti-arrhythmic drug Amiodarone are also said to cause overproduction of thyroid hormones as is "Toxic Nodular Goiter," which most commonly causes hyperthyroidism in older adults.

How do you know if you have hyperthyroidism?

Normal symptoms of hyperthyroidism are weakness, fatigue, itchy skin and in some cases, a loss of body hAir softer. If not treated, these symptoms can worsen and develop into bone and heart issues. Patients suffering from hyperthyroidism tend to eat more and gain weight due to sudden increases in appetite. The disease directly affects the body's metabolism. Other common symptoms seen in patients are weight loss, hAir loss, insomnia, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, trembling hands and increasedbowel moveMents along with nervousness and anxiety.

Diagnosis and TreatMent of Hyperthyroidism

A consultation with a doctor should be scheduled as soon as you notice any of the symptoms. A doctor is able to judge and diagnose the condition through a physical examination. TreatMents for the disease are readily available are very effective but will depend upon the patient's individual condition. Drugs such as beta blockers and thyrostatics are known to control hyperthyroidism and surprisingly, home and natural remedies are also effective. Natural herbs like Black Cohosh and Nettles are among the easiest natural remedies available for treating hyperthyroidism. Some vitamin supplements are also beneficial.

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperthyroidism

Friday, June 1, 2012

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

In any endeavor in life, there's always two aspects to consider when evaluating your chances of success: 1. Those aspects you can control and 2. Those aspects which are out of your control.

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship

If your goal is to be in a healthy, happy relationship there's a lot you can do to control that outcome. Unfortunately, you cannot control everything. For example, you can't control your partner's responses, beliefs, or behaviors. You can influence them, you can affect them, but you CANNOT control them.  This is a major reason why most of us have to go through several relationship failures before we meet the right person-since we cannot control our partners, we have to find the right one who is on the same page as us.

The same is true for approaching and meeting inpotential partners. There's things you can do which are under your control to create more attraction, romance, intrigue and interest, but if some other things which are not under your control, you will not interfere succeed no matter what you do.  One of those issues out of your control is TIMING. As they say, "timing is everything."  What does timing mean in this situation? Timing refers to circumstances being in alignMent to allow the potential mate to be willing and able to be in a relationship. If the person is already in a relationship, or they have been hurt badly and don't want to be in a relationship or they don't have time to be in a relationship, then the timing is not right.

It is my firm belief based on observation and experience that all things beingequal, timing is the most important ingredient to determining the potential viability of a romance or relationship. That is not to say that there is not a whole host of our important determining factors, but timing is crucial. When you look around throughout the day and see different couples around you, if you ever wonder why those two people are together, the most important reason was that they met and started dating when considering the timing was right. It could be that they would never have started dating if they met a week prior or a month later. Sure, they are attracted to each other and compatible in many ways, but the timing HAD to be right for them to be together, no matter how many other things they had in common.  It could've been that if they met at the wrong time, oneor both of the partners could have been in a relationship or just getting out of one and not ready to date yet.

So what's the moral of this story? The moral is that since timing is so crucial, you have to make yourself available in order to find the right person. You have to go out and be social and pro-actively put yourself out there in front of people. You never know who is or isn't available, but if you put yourself out there, you are greatly increasing the chances that you will find the right person-the person who is most compatible with you and is also completely available.  Get out there and make the principle of timing work for you.

Why Timing is Everything in a Relationship